Archive: Math worksheets

Shape Tracing and Coloring Practice Sheets

This post contains 30+ images to teach kids (at preschool and kindergarten ages) about shapes, including shape tracing worksheets, shape counting, shape recognition and coloring pages, and shape writing practice sheets. Kids will learn about naming, recognizing, tracing and coloring basic shapes like circles, squares, rectangles, ovals, diamond (rhombus) and a little harder shapes like star, crescent, pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.

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First Grade Counting and Math Worksheets

This post contains 30+ basic counting and math sheets for late kindergarten and first grade. The practice sheets are presented using tally-type graphics and the box model, so it’ll be easier and more fun for kid to learn.

If your kid is just starting out with numbers, I’d also recommend these Number Writing Practice Sheets for them. On the other hand, if your kid has already mastered counting and writing number, I’d recommend these Addition and Subtraction Math Worksheets with different levels of difficulty from single-digit to two- or three-digit math problems.

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Addition and Subtraction Math Worksheets

Math worksheets Addition and Subtraction

I’ve always wanted to create math worksheets for my kids, at least the simple addition and subtraction math problems for them to practice but really didn’t have a chance to work on it. Now that my kids’ schools were shut down due to the coronavirus, and major counties in California (and other states as well) in the U.S. are practicing and enforcing shelter in place policies, we practically can’t go anywhere for the next 3-4 weeks, so I’m feeling a strong need to create the new math worksheets for my kids and to share with you as well.

Hope you find these and other materials useful! Please add comments to let me know how you use them! Best wishes and stay calm and healthy!

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